Ace Music Academy

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How to Keep Your Voice Performance Ready!

One of a singer’s greatest nightmares is having their voice give out-whether right before a performance or in everyday life. So today, we are going to talk about methods to help make sure your voice is always performance ready!

The number one most important thing you need to do to preserve your voice is to make sure that you stay well hydrated. Many doctors recommend that you drink six to eight glasses of water a day, with room temperature water being the best. By being well hydrated you are making sure that your vocal cords are well lubricated which can lessen stress on them.

Just like every muscle in your body your vocal cords need to be warmed up and cooled down in order to help prevent any negative side effects. By taking the time to warm up your vocal cords you are helping to prepare them for the strain of exercise you are about to put them through, and cooling them down will help make sure that you’re vocal cords are better prepared for the next time that you use them!

Photo by Papa Yaw from Pexels

A tired voice, like a tired body, is more likely to be injured. In order to prevent this, it is a good idea to take vocal “naps” throughout the day. A vocal nap is where you do not use your vocal cords at all for a part of a day- which includes singing, talking, and even whispering.  The longer you can rest your voice the better, but even short vocal naps can help!

Smoking and vaping are incredibly harmful to your vocal cords. Every time you inhale while smoking or vaping you are subjecting your vocal cords to a ton of harmful toxins, which can greatly affect your singing voice. These toxics can dry out your vocal cords and irritate them, which can make it harder to sing.

Next time you are getting ready for a big performance remember to drink lots of water, give your voice time to rest, and to make sure you warm up your voice!