The Benefits of Playing an Instrument

A new study published in the scientific journal Brain and Cognition says that playing an instrument can have an impact on reaction time and speed. Simon Landry said that during his study, music students have a faster overall reaction time to stimuli than non-music students. 16 music students and 19 non-music students were sat in a room and hooked up to a devices that vibrated on their finger. These music students were told to click the mouse when they felt a vibration, or when they heard white noise, or both. The test was run 180 times for each criteria.  Research found that music students had an overall better reaction speed than those who were non-music students for each test.

Music students receive many mental, physical, and emotional benefits when they play a musical instrument. Our music school is here to help children and adults of all ages in the Orlando community and beyond achieve their musical goals.

Interested in starting music classes? Check out what our music school has to offer!

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